
Members and Visitors can use this page to view items that may be of interest to them including:
– Gawler U3A forms and documents
– Links to U3A State, National and International Associations
– A link to the Gawler Council Events calendar for visitors to the region

General U3A Information

What is U3A?
U3A South Australia
U3A Alliance
AIUTA (International Association of U3A)
U3A Online

For Visitors to Gawler

Gawler Calendar of Events

Gawler U3A Forms

Members or prospective members may submit forms by obtaining a hard copy from the Secretary or by using the online form. To enroll in an activity or register for a Friday Foray you must be a financial member of Gawler U3A, unless advised otherwise.

Online Forms

These forms are completed directly on the website. Once completed use the submit button to send them to Gawler U3A.

Membership Application
Change/Amend Membership Details