Gawler U3A Activities – General Information
Gawler U3A provides a range of activities for both mental and physical stimulation for Third Agers. To enroll for an activity you must be a member of Gawler U3A. The membership pages provide information on joining Gawler U3A.
Click here for a full list of Gawler U3A activities.
During each term we also program Outings & Events. These activities can involve anything from a guest speaker to a film and light refreshment at the Gawler Cinema, a lunch and/or tour. Choose any that interest you. You can register for an Outing or Event by contacting the Secretary when one, that you are interested in, is announced. Keep on eye on the Term Program for a list of the events planned for that term.
Term Dates 2024
Term 1 30 January – 14 April
Term 2 1 May – 7 July
Term 3 24 July – 29 September
Term 4 16 October – 15 December
Click here for the current term Program
Important Some activities have restrictions on accepting new participants. Check the current program before attempting to enroll to confirm whether the activity is accepting new enrolments.
You can enroll for a course using the online form or by downloading a PDF form. Once the PDF form is completed it can be emailed or printed and posted to Gawler U3A.
Click here to access Membership Application/Renewal/Enrolment information.